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WML Angular Components Base

WML Angular Components Base extends the WML Components Base by integrating it with Angular-specific features and functionality. It builds on the foundation provided by the core library and adds seamless integration with Angular’s framework, making it easier to work with Angular modules, change detection, and Angular-based services like ngx-translate.

While WML Components Base provides the essential UI building blocks, WML Angular Components Base enhances these components to work natively with Angular. This includes adding support for Angular’s dependency injection, change detection, routing, and lifecycle hooks.


Terminal window
npm install -s --verbose @windmillcode/angular-wml-components-base



Decent Example

  • if you want a different animation for you animation states simply use a different keyframe mabye suffixing the keyframes with open and close for organization


Custom Components

nearly as same as WMLCustomComponent. Refer to WMLCustomComponent



motionEndEventSubject<WMLMotionUIPropertyState>Subject triggered when a motion ends.
motionKeyFrameEventSubject<string>Subject triggered at specific keyframes during css transitions.


ngxTranslateLoaderFactoryFunctionA function that returns a new instance of WMLNGXTranslateLoader.


i18nLocation(lang: string) => anyA function that returns the translation file or object based on the language code.


getTranslation(lang: string)Fetches the translations for the given language and returns an observable with the translation data.



vcfViewContainerRefAngular ViewContainerRef for creating the component.
cpntType<any>Component type to be created.
propsanyProperties to be passed to the component.
returnComponentRef<any>Returns a reference to the created component.


v18.2.3100 [9/8/24]

  • pulled features from seperated angular features from core library to angular-wml-components-base creating WMLAngularTestUtils,WMLAngularTestHttpHandler,WMLAngularModuleForRootProps,WMLAngularMotionUIProperty WMLAngularCustomComponent from their orginal respective part which exlude “Angular in their name”

v18.2.3100 [9/8/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.3 of @angular/core package

v18.2.3100 [9/8/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.3 of @angular/core package

v18.2.3100 [9/8/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.3 of @angular/core package

v18.2.3110 [9/10/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/angular-wml-components-base

v18.2.3111 [9/10/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/angular-wml-components-base

v18.2.3112 [9/10/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/angular-wml-components-base

v18.2.3200 [9/16/24]

  • [UPDATE] added motionKeyFrameEvent for css transitions WMLAngularMotionUIProperty
  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base

v18.2.4000 [9/16/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.4 of @angular/core package

v18.2.4000 [9/17/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.4 of @angular/core package

v18.2.4100 [9/19/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base

v18.2.4200 [9/21/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base

v18.2.5001 [9/22/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.5 of @angular/core package

v18.2.6000 [10/1/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.6 of @angular/core package

v18.2.7000 [10/2/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.7 of @angular/core package

v18.2.7001 [10/5/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base

v18.2.7010 [10/9/24]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base

v18.2.7020 [10/10/2024 2:15:30 PM EST]

  • updated package to conform with @windmillcode/wml-components-base [PATCH] WMLAngularMotionUIProperty constructor got updated in projects/wml-angular-components-base/src/lib/models.ts to take partial props, fixing a bug where custom props were not being overridden just know that for the time being you can only use WMLMotionUIProperty or WMLAngularMotionUIProperty you cant use both becuase internally there would be a conflict with the management of static variables between the two classes

v18.2.8000 [10/10/24]

  • updated package to reflect the version 18.2.8 of @angular/core package